I'm Home
I used to think being a successful human meant hustling/stretching every moment of every day. My calendar was a Tetris game of commitments, each block stacked tightly against the next. I said yes to everything, wore my exhaustion like a badge of honour, and repeatedly drained myself until I had nothing left to give. I thought this was what good human-ing was – extending myself generously and being everything to everyone, all the time.
But something had to give. Or more accurately, something had to die.
That version of me – the one running on fumes, spreading herself too thin, measuring her worth by her busy-ness – I needed to let her go. And I have.
I've stopped clutching at what was, all the "shoulds," and who I thought I needed to be. In that release, I discovered something profound: when I created space, something magical happened. I found me.
In the blocks of time I'd previously filled with noise and busy-ness, I now have breathing room and space for new ideas and thoughts to emerge. I started noticing things I'd been too busy to see before. Feeling things I'd been too scared to feel before. Perspectives shifted. Ideas blossomed. My body continued to exhale. It was like finally being able to hear the whispers of my own heart after years of being dominated by a hectic external world and the relentless chatter of my Itty Bitty Shitty Committee; I could finally tune into my heart's quiet wisdom.

I've learned that direction is impossible when you don't know where you stand.
It's like trying to follow a map without knowing your starting point. But as I've turned inward, I've found myself becoming grounded in a way I never knew I could be grounded; grounded in a way I didn't realize I desperately needed.
At the same time, I'm looking outward with new eyes, looking for love in every corner of life – in morning coffee, in chance encounters, delicious conversations with clients, and even the way my dog's butt wags excitedly when her face is deep in a rodent hole.
This journey feels like coming home after years of endless seeking and searching. The path beneath my feet is both new and deeply familiar. What's emerged in this spaciousness I've created isn't just another set of goals or achievements – it's a calling. It's clarity about what truly matters to me and the legacy I want to leave in this world.
And let me tell you: we're on the cusp of something extraordinary. If your heart yearns to dance with what's yet to unfold, if you want to be a cheerleader for transformation and authentic leadership – strap in, baby! This is more than a journey; it's a homecoming. And I'm just getting started.
We're launching something that will make your heart flutter in early 2025. If you'd like to be among the first to know, click here to receive exclusive access.
From my heart to yours,