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What you're doing isn't working.

Start doing something different.

What you're doing isn't working.

Start doing something different.

Nothing will change if we don't practice.

Big Change takes work

We think nothing of going to the gym to build strength, to the golf course to practice our swing, or on a long run to build stamina and endurance. We need the same focus on building our skills and competence in leadership. It takes time and practice.


The great news is that Big Change is possible. We are what we practice, and habits are created through repetition, so everything I offer emphasizes practice aimed at changing behaviours. That way, you won't have to think so much when the time comes to act. You'll be ready.


Don't worry, you're not alone. I'll get you there.

I want to know about your most critical breakdowns and then we'll co-design a truly effective plan.

Relationships viewed through a lens of trust are better relationships.

So many of the issues or bumps we experience in relationships are impacted by trust, or lack of it. We just don't see it that way. We stay in a transactional view and don't see, feel, or experience what's under the hood. We need to see what's really going on if we have any hope of making things better.


Trust is a ginormous topic and one that many of us have had to figure out on our own, often painfully.


Was there a Trust 101 course in school? Nope.


Was there a conversation with parents about this thing called trust? For most people, also nope. And yet what we know and live every day is that trust is the foundation of every relationship.


We know when we have it and know when we don't, but we don't always know how we got there or what to do to keep it, rebuild it, or repair it. Oh, and we all view and experience trust differently, which complicates things.


This topic is near and dear to my heart. It's foundational work with every single client, every single team. There is a way to build, maintain and repair trust that is so simple - not easy - but simple, if you want to.

What if...

. . . there was a way to clearly and easily build, maintain, and repair trust in the relationships that matter to us?


. . . trust isn't an on / off switch? And that we can trust where and how it makes sense? And we can distrust when history and experience says it's the prudent thing to do?

The work we do in discovering what trust means to people - how they innately feel about it, how they build it, practice it, and regain it when it's been broken - has been some of the deepest and most powerful work I've ever done. Talking about trust in a team can be downright earth shaking.

Team Development

We often don't recognize it, but trust is the foundation of every relationship we have, including those at work. Only a team who trusts each other is truly effective and enjoyable to be on. Building, maintaining, and repairing trust isn't easy. There's a lot to it, but it's entirely possible and will quite literally change your life and the lives of those you worth with.


My favourite thing to do is work with leaders and teams to identify where things are breaking down and how to get back on track. We'll co-design a plan that delivers and delights!

Trust with Teams

Trust is the foundation of every relationship we have in life. It's what I observe as the core of team breakdowns, and where I find I can make the biggest impact. 

Piggy bank to signify saving money

HOT TIP: Save Money for your team's training

Dare To Lead

Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, Dare to Lead™ is an empirically based courage building program designed to be facilitated by organizational development professionals. The most significant finding from Brené's latest research is that

Dare to Lead Certified Facilitator seal

courage is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable. The Dare to Lead™ program focuses on developing these courage building skills through workshops, trainings, and coaching to help individuals, teams, and organizations move from armored leadership to daring leadership. 

Teams who complete a Dare To Lead program with me receive exclusive access to a Toolkit of resources, including everything from the Dare To Lead program PLUS additional resources that I share during the program.

Team Assessment

Often, the best way to diagnose what's going on in your team is to do a preliminary assessment. Upon completion, you'll receive complimentary resources and a recommendation of how and where to start making improvements. 

Individual Development

LIVE Online Workshops

One of my favourite things to do is gather a group of people in a room and hash out the messiness of life. We can draw a straight line from most relationship breakdowns to missing, damaged, or broken trust. The great news is that we can learn HOW to build trust, and even repair it when necessary - and it has a HUGE effect on our relationships.


If you want to build your trust building muscles by delving into real life scenarios (including yours!), I offer a 3-hour online workshop called The Habit of Trust.​


It will be insightful, interactive, practical, and fun!


Listen in for conversation between two pros who care deeply about you and your relationships, sharing pragmatic and actionable takeaways that you can use immediately.


I am all about sharing wisdom. Resources that I've created are here for the taking. I hope you'll find them helpful in working on yourself and with your team.


Take a quick assessment to discover what trust means to you and the role it plays in your life.

Team Development
Dare to Lead

Speaking Engagements

Corporate and Community Events and Conferences

I am an experienced public speaking and love getting a crowd up on its feet. I deliver keynote speeches that not only inspire leaders to be more intentional about building trust in their team, but I teach them how to make an impact immediately. 

What you won't get from me is a talking head with a microphone and a slide deck behind me. My sessions are always interactive because practice drives behaviour change. And I always include some fun!

I have dozens of well researched topics at my fingertips or I'd be thrilled to customize a keynote or presentation for your group.

Picture of Ila Edgar

"As keynote for our annual employee recognition event, I requested a message that would resonate with a large team of public service staff who were emerging from a challenging year. Ila met me several times to gather key information about the audience and the awards we were presenting, about the complexities of the workplace, and to ensure there was in interactive element to engage, get folks talking, and have them leave with something they could (would) act upon. Ila delivered on all fronts and brought a bonus giveaway to reinforce the concepts and offer . . . hope.


The content resonated not only because of Ila's skills and event readiness, but because she took the time to create a welcoming and inspiring environment to connect with our teams. Put simply, she helped make the day very special. "

Roberta Kuzyk-Burton

Training and Recognition Specialist, Central Library

Calgary Public Library

"Ila is a wonderful and engaging speaker. She captures her audience's hearts and minds, instantly putting them at ease and reeling them into collaborative conversation. Her energy is infectious, as she shares insight and wisdom that continues to percolate and inspire those in her presence. Ila has a true gift, to help people feel vulnerable and powerful at the same time. Can not wait to participate in another speaking event with Ila."

Rachelle Wilson

ONIGA South President

Canadian Association of Nurses in Oncology

Speaking engagements

Ila K. Edgar

Podcast Co-Host

Trust Thought Leader

Certified Trust at Work® Facilitator

Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator

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