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Welcome to the Collective Good

This collection of resources is curated from a love of learning in community.

We never want learning, growth, and access to continued development won't not hindered by lack of funds.


If there is a topic or resource you would like to see here, or something you are curious about, I would love to hear from you.

Pay What You Can

The resources on this page are available for a fee that is up to you! Please choose what you can afford. We donate all money raised through the Collective Good to Paws4Change Rescue Foundation

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What can we help with?

Generosity is one of our values. We bring it to life by intentionally giving back to teams and organizations that need support. If your team could benefit from team coaching, facilitated training, or something else, please reach out. We're open to looking at creative ways to support you. We've got a network of amazing humas with all sorts of skill sets and super powers who we call on true address unique client needs.

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